Good comedy...
I like your lines...very typical high school stuff...
I love the has a sketchy feel, get some more voice actors or practice throwing your own and make some more!
Good comedy...
I like your lines...very typical high school stuff...
I love the has a sketchy feel, get some more voice actors or practice throwing your own and make some more!
You guys are goog at getting shot...
very nice timing on getting forgot to kill the vacuum cleaner
LMAO, i guess he did eh. Ill be sure to blast Matty about that one!
Ya the timing at getting shot was very good in this one compared to the others, especially with the guy who opens up the double doors. Hes usually an idiot, but he can definitely take one for the team! Thanks again.
Nice job...great commercial
People take these animations really
You had a nice flow to your animation, good timing, clean artwork & audio.
Good cuts, the wipe with the flag was used well to change cam direction,
keep it up amigo
<fag>Click Here!</fag> Don't laugh at my picture, that was before the sex change.
lord of dem things
Joined on 10/18/05