decent story but the intro was too long, the entire thing was a rip off DBZ n others, it was at the most....ok
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decent story but the intro was too long, the entire thing was a rip off DBZ n others, it was at the most....ok
why was it a rip off?..ah let's see..they had super powers huh?..oh yeah what a rip off...
u tried
mmhmm yes i did ;)
pretty neato
got it goin...I see potential, so i say this because i care...
coulda been funnier, I didn't think the walmart thing worked but I like the characters a lot, I like the backgrounds too just add some junk, dirt, whatever, don't even make it so crisp plus in cartoons they always keep the bg a lighter color -try it maybe
good luck
Don't worry, you can say it, the humor was somewhat dry... But I'v gotten better, so... yea...
great work...good vo's, I liked foil, super's are great to work with, I hope you make some money off this!
I am still worried about posting my original stuff, is it cool? could it help you get recognized? Did you get a copywrite?
try to respond...and keep up the web tooning
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)
And don't worry about posting your original stuff - if original, upon creation any form of written or visual art is copyrighted automatically - something like that.
damn the whole turkey! raw too...omg...nice art
Yeah, Fred isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch. He also ate a box of cake mix recently, so I think the kitchen will soon be off limits for him. Thanks for the review! Happy to hear you liked the cartoon.
u had duck hunt
duck hunt was funny
jup, it was supposed to be funny too ^^;
You guys are goog at getting shot...
very nice timing on getting shot...you forgot to kill the vacuum cleaner
LMAO, i guess he did eh. Ill be sure to blast Matty about that one!
Ya the timing at getting shot was very good in this one compared to the others, especially with the guy who opens up the double doors. Hes usually an idiot, but he can definitely take one for the team! Thanks again.
<fag>Click Here!</fag> Don't laugh at my picture, that was before the sex change.
lord of dem things
Joined on 10/18/05